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In the previous section, we found the factors of a number. Prime numbers have only two factors, the number 11 and the prime number itself. Composite numbers have more than two factors, and every composite number can be written as a unique product of primes. This is called the prime factorization of a number. When we write the prime factorization of a number, we are rewriting the number as a product of primes. Finding the prime factorization of a composite number will help you later in this course.
Prime Factorization
The prime factorization of a number is the product of prime numbers that equals the number.
Doing the Manipulative Mathematics activity “Prime Numbers” will help you develop a better sense of prime numbers.
You may want to refer to the following list of prime numbers less than 5050 as you work through this section.
Prime Factorization Using the Factor Tree Method
One way to find the prime factorization of a number is to make a factor tree. We start by writing the number, and then writing it as the product of two factors. We write the factors below the number and connect them to the number with a small line segment—a “branch” of the factor tree.
If a factor is prime, we circle it (like a bud on a tree), and do not factor that “branch” any further. If a factor is not prime, we repeat this process, writing it as the product of two factors and adding new branches to the tree.
We continue until all the branches end with a prime. When the factor tree is complete, the circled primes give us the prime factorization.
For example, let’s find the prime factorization of 3636. We can start with any factor pair such as 33 and 1212. We write 33 and 1212 below 3636 with branches connecting them.

The factor 33 is prime, so we circle it. The factor 1212 is composite, so we need to find its factors. Let’s use 33 and 44. We write these factors on the tree under the 1212.

The factor 33 is prime, so we circle it. The factor 44 is composite, and it factors into 2⋅22⋅2. We write these factors under the 44. Since 22 is prime, we circle both 2s2s.

The prime factorization is the product of the circled primes. We generally write the prime factorization in order from least to greatest.
In cases like this, where some of the prime factors are repeated, we can write prime factorization in exponential form.
Note that we could have started our factor tree with any factor pair of 3636. We chose 1212 and 3
Hope it helps
have a nice day