Biology, asked by jsakshi1643, 1 year ago

draw a diagrammatic labelled sketch of stem-tip to show the location of meristematic tissue.. mention the function of different types of meristematic tissue


Answered by Abcdefghijklmnopa
Location :-Meristematic tissue are the group of activity dividing cells locating mainly at the growing tips of the roots,stem and leaves.
Type of meristematic tissue are:-
•Terminal or apical meristem:-it brings about elongation of the root and stem. It result in increase in the height of the plant which is called primary growth.
•Intercalary meristem:- its main function is to produce an increase in the length of the organ.
•Lateral meristem:-The function of lateral meristem is to increase the diameter of the organ.
Answered by julie2
apical meristem : are found in the growing tips of roots and steps .. it helps to increase the length of the plant
lateral meristem helps in increasing the girth of plants also known as cambium
intercalery meristem helps in increasing the plants organ such as leaves and internodes
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