Math, asked by saanya10, 5 months ago

Draw a frequency polygon following data.

Marks <20 <40 <60 <80 <100

No of 10 40 80 100 110


Answered by powarpranav1986


Draw a frequency polygon for the following data using histogram.Marks0 - 1010 - 2020 - 3030 - 4040 - 5050 - 6060 - 7070 - 8080 - 9090 - 100Number ...

Answered by samirpanchal0092

Mark the class intervals along the X-axis and the number of students along the Y-axis. Draw a histogram for the given data. Now mark the mid points of the upper sides of the consecutive rectangles. The mid points are joined with the help of a ruler. Note that, the first and last edges of the frequency polygon met at the mid point of the vertical edges of the first and last rectangles.

hope it helps :-). good night

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