draw a label diagram of
gametophyte and sporophyte of funaria
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Life Cycle of Funaria (With Diagram) | BryopsidaArticle Shared by In this article we will discuss about the gametophytic phase, reproduction and sporophytic phase in the life cycle of funaria.Gametophytic Phase of Funaria:(i) External Features:Plant body is gametophytic and consists of two different stages namely:(i) Juvenile stage represented by primary protonema and(ii) The leafy gametophore which represents the adult form.The adult gametophyte (gametophore) is differentiated into rhizoids, axis or ‘stem’ and ‘leaves’ (Fig. 1 A). Rhizoids arise from the base of the axis. They are slender, branched, and multicellular and have oblique septa.Axis is 1—3 cm. high, upright, slender and branched. Each branch is extra axillary i.e., arise below a leaf. Leaves are sessile, oblong-ovate with entire margin, pointed apex and are arranged spirally on the branches and ‘stem’. Each ‘leaf’ is traversed by a single mid rib (Fig. 1B). ‘Leaves’ are borne in 1/3 phyllotaxy which becomes 3/8 at maturity.(ii) Internal Structure:1. Axis or ‘stem’The transverse section (T. S.) of axis can be differentiated into three distinct regions:(i) Epidermis(ii) Cortex(iii) Central conducting strand or central cylinder.(i) Epidermis:It is the outer most single layered protective covering consisting of small tangentially elongated chlorophyll bearing cells. Cuticle and stomata are absent (Fig. 2).(ii) Cortex::It is present between the epidermis and conducting tissue. It is made up to parenchymatous cells. Younger part of the cortex contains chloroplasts but in the older part they are lacking. At maturity few outer layers of cortex become thick walled and are reddish brown in colour but those of the inner layers become thin walled.(iii) Central Conducting Strand:It is made up of long, narrow thin walled dead cells which lack protoplasm. These cells are now commonly called as hydroids. Conducting strand besides providing a certain amount of mechanical support, functions in the upward conduction of water and solutes.2. Leaf:Transverse section (T. S.) of ‘leaf’ shows a well-defined midrib with two lateral wings. Except the midrib region, the ‘leaf’ is composed of single layer of parenchymatous polygonal cells. The cells contain many large and prominent chloroplasts (Fig. 3). The central part of the mid rib has narrow conducting strand of thick walled cells which help in conduction.
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describe the internal structure of the capsule of funaria
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