Biology, asked by shashank83493, 4 months ago

Draw a neat labelled diagram of nephron and explain its structure.


Answered by reenuV

Refer the above attachment ⬆⬆ for structure of nephron

Structure of a Nephron :

》The Nephron is also known as Uriniferous tubule or Renal tubule or just Kidney tubule.

》Each kidney tubule has the following parts :-

  • Bowman's Capsule

  • Proximal or first Convoluted Tubule ( PCT )

  • Loop of Henle ( the middle U-shaped part )

  • Distal Convoluted Tubule ( DCT )

Bowman's Capsule

  • It is a thin-walled ( single-cell thick epithelium ) cup, something like a hollow ball pressed deep on one side.

  • Its hollow internal space continues into the tubule.

  • The outer concavity of the cup lodges a knot-like mass of blood capillaries, called Glomerulus.

  • The bowman's capsule and the glomerulus together are called Malphighian or Renal capsule.

Proximal or first convoluted tubule

  • It is the starting convoluted region of the tubule.

  • Proximal means nearer, i.e. nearer to the Bowman's capsule.

Loop of Henle

  • It is shaped like a hair-pin; it is not convoluted.

  • It runs in the medulla to turn back and re-enter the cortex to continue into the next convoluted region of the tubule.

Distal convoluted tubule

  • It is the end part of the kidney tubule.

  • Distal means farther, i.e. farther or away from the Bowman's capsule.

  • It opens into a collecting duct.

Hope it helps uh....... !!



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