Draw a schematic diagram depicting the separation of a mixture of the amino acids (Glutamic acid, Tryptophan and Alanine) using Thin Layer Chromatography.
see below
ne of the commonest ways of describing people
is in terms of the language they speak. When we
refer to a person as a Tamil or an Oriya, this usually
means that he or she speaks Tamil or Oriya and lives
in Tamil Nadu or Orissa. We also tend to associate
each region with distinctive kinds of food, clothes,
poetry, dance, music and painting. Sometimes we take
these identities for granted and assume that they have
existed from time immemorial. However, the frontiers
separating regions have evolved over time (and in fact
are still changing). Also, what we understand as
regional cultures today are often the product of complex
processes of intermixing of local traditions with ideas
from other parts of the subcontinent. As we will see,
some traditions appear specific to some regions, others
seem to be similar across regions, and yet others derive
from older practices in a particular area, but take a
new form in other regions.