Math, asked by akg900930, 8 months ago

Draw any circle and mark.
(a)its centre (d)a radius
(b)a liameter (e)a sector
(c)an are
(f)a points its exterior​


Answered by Ladylaurel

Answer :-

Point O is the Centre.

Line AB is the diameter.

Arc CB , AC are the arcs.

OB is the radius.

BOC is a sector.

Point D is a point it's exterior.

Figure :-

\setlength{\unitlength}{1cm}\begin{picture}(0,0)\thicklines\qbezier(2.3,0)(2.121,2.121)(0,2.3)\qbezier(-2.3,0)(-2.121,2.121)(0,2.3)\qbezier(-2.3,0)(-2.121,-2.121)(0,-2.3)\qbezier(2.3,0)(2.121,-2.121)(-0,-2.3)\put(-2.3,0){\line(1,0){4.6}}\put(0,-0.1){$\bullet$}\qbezier(0.1,0)(0.1,0)(1,-2)\put(-3,-0.1){\bf A}\put(3,-0.1){\bf B}\put(1.2,-2.6){\bf C}\put(-0.05,2.4){$\bullet$}\put(-0.05,2.4){\bf \: \: D}\put(-0.05,0.3){\bf O}\end{picture}

More Information :-

A chord of a circle passing through its Centre is called a diameter of the circle.

Diameter = 2 × Radius

A line segment joining any point on the circle to its Centre is called a radius of the circle.

The part of the circular region bounded by the arc and the two radii at the ends of the arc together with the arc and the radii is called a sector of a circle.

All radii of a circle are equal.

The diameter is the longest chord of a circle.

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