English, asked by patelom0102, 1 year ago

Draw equiangular triangle XYZ in which YZ =7cm Write the steps of construction ​


Answered by Anonymous

First draw a line segment yz of length 7cm. Then, keep the needle of compass at y and take the radius same as yz and draw an arc. Now, keep the needle of the compass on z and without disturbing the radius draw an arc cuting the previous arc. Name the point obtained x.Join xy and xz.We will get an equiangular triangle xyz with yz = 7cm

Answered by Anonymous


To construct: A line, parallel to given line by using ruler and compasses.

Steps of construction:

(a) Draw a line-segment AB and take a point C outside AB.

(b) Take any point D on AB and join C to D.

(c) With D as centre and take convenient radius, draw an arc cutting AB at E and CD at F.

(d) With C as centre and same radius as in step 3, draw an arc GH cutting CD at I.

(e) With the same arc EF, draw the equal arc cutting GH at J.

(f) Join JC to draw a line l.

This is the required line AB || l.

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