Biology, asked by 2005saikaran, 5 months ago

- Draw information about the Impact of Anthropological activities on water
for 45 lines


Answered by devpreet82


d for natural raw materials and source of

energy are increasing day by day, due to rapid growth in human

population and industrialization in developing as well as

underdeveloped countries. Many natural water bodies of the

world receive flux of sewage, domestic waste, industrial effluents

and agricultural waste which contain substances varying from

simple nutrients to highly toxic chemicals. Over the years rising

industrial and agricultural activities plus a lack of proper

environmental control measures demand the continuous

monitoring of the water quality of river studies of that area.

Thus, an attempt has been made to evaluate the impact of human

activities around KRS dam of Cauvery river of Karnataka state,

India. In this research work, water quality of Cauvery River was

carried out in order to find out the impact of human activities. It

is observed that, water in most of the sampling stations were very

poor quality and partially suitable for human consumption.

Key words: Sewage, Domestic Agricultural, Industrial effluents,

Toxic chemicals and Cauvery.


he conflict between the growing human population and

the unchanging supply of freshwater has already started

worst and may get worse by the years to come (World Water

Development Report, 2003). About 2 billion people in the

developing countries of the world are not able to access safe

drinking water (Olson, 1999). Most of the indicators suggest

that it is worsening and will continue to do so, unless

corrective action is taken. According to WHO (2006) one

billion people worldwide still lack adequate supply of clean

Drinking water and nearly two billion people do not get water

for proper sanitation. In addition, the problem of water

scarcity is not only its quality but also the quantity. Pathogen

contamination of aquatic ecosystems is known to occur from a

range of sources including municipal wastewater effluents,

agricultural wastes, and wildlife (Environment Canada 2001)

on other hand demand for water from various competing

sectors such as urban settlements, industry, and irrigation are


Rivers are the most important freshwater resource for

man. Social, economic and political developments have been

largely related to the availability and distribution of fresh

waters contained in riverine systems. (Chapman, 1996), The

water pollutants that occur in agricultural runoff include

eroded soil particles (sediments), nutrients, pesticides, salts,

viruses, bacteria, and organic matter (Trimble, 2007). and

impacts on the regions are occurring like dam services, social

and unsocial impacts, beneficial and harmful impacts. These

effects may be ordered in an intensive and complicated

manner like climatic, hydraulic, biologic, social, cultural,

archaeological (Tahmiscioğlu et al., 2007), population,

sewage effluent discharge, industrial effluents and

Agricultural run-off in the river water quality by analyzing

dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, and

temperature, ammonia nitrogen shows reduction in the level

of dissolved oxygen, BOD and ammonia levels, increase in

the temperature, higher chloride and total dissolved solids

indicate the occurrence of pollution (Lester, 1975). The

industrial units located at the outskirts in cities, intensive

agricultural practices and indiscriminate disposal of domestic

and municipal wastes are the sources for water pollution. Thus

constant monitoring of river water is needed so as to record

any alteration in the quality and outbreak of health disorders.

In India it is reported that about 70 % of the available water is

polluted. The chief source of pollution is identified as sewage

constituting 84 to 92 % of the wastewater and Industrial

wastewater comprised 8 to 16 %. Water quality characteristic

of aquatic environment arise from a multitude of physical,

chemical and biological interactions (Deuzane, 1979; Dee,

1989). Most of the studies hypothesized that an improvement

in water quality has a direct effect on people’s health via

reduced exposure to water-associated diseases. A large

number of Indian water bodies have received domestic

sewage, solid waste material and industrial effluents resulting

in widespread pollution. With growing population, rise in

living standards, urbanization, intensive agricultural practices,

industrialization and various other demands, use of water have

increased the demand for water. In spite of the fact that, the

quality of river at any point reflects several major natural

influences, like lithology of the basin, atmospheric inputs and

climatic conditions but on the other hand municipal

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