draw labelled diagram of life history of frog and identify forms are herbivores
Metamorphosis can be defined as the development of an adult organism from an egg or immature stage. From an egg to an adult stage the organism undergoes with various immature stages.
Frog is an amphibian. It can live in both land and water.
The frog lays eggs in water which are fertilized by the sperms in the water. This results in external fertilization.
But male and female frogs also copulate and this results in internal fertilization of sperm and eggs.
The fertilized eggs are laid by the mother frog.
These eggs developed into larvae and then finally to adult frogs.
In between there are many transitional stages like development of tadpole, tadpole develops gills, legs, tail, tail becomes shorter, and finally adult frog. This entire process is called metamorphosis.
The herbivores can be classified on the basis of their choice of food preference.
1. Frugivores are fruit consumers.
2. Granivores are grain eaters or seed consumers.
3. Nectivores are nectar consumers.
4. Folivores are leaf consumers.
Learn more about frogs: