draw neat graticules of cylindrical equal area projection with an interval of 10 degree for the area extending from 10 degree north to 50 degrees south and 50 west to 30 degree east on the basic of the given R.F. 1:100,000,000
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The area is kept equal in cylindrical equal area projection because the parallels and meridians are projected as straight lines intersecting one another at right angles.
Solution: Calculation for the drawing and construction of graticules.
[1] We know radius of the Earth is 640,000,000 cm.
Hence the radius of the reduced earth (R) =1/100,000,000x640,000,000
=6.4 cm.
[2] With the radius 6.4 cm, draw the half circle (NES)
[3] On this half-circle C is the centre of the Earth (Reduced Earth); N and S represent North Pole and South Pole respectively.
[4] From the centre C draw the NS perpendicular on CEQ.
[5] Through E tangent N'S' is drawn. CEQ line represents equator.
[6] To draw other latitudes place protector at the centre on CE line and now
draw <P, CE= 10° N, <P, CE=20° N, <P, CE=30° N and <P, CE=40° N
in the north, and in the south< ECB, = 10° S, < ECB, 20° S, < ECB, = 30
S, and < ECB = 40° S.
[7] Draw parallels with the equator (CEQ) towards north P,, P., P., and P, and towards south B., B., B, and B, respectively.
[8] Making equal to P,E and N'S' as 20° west meridian draw 10° W, 0°, 10°E, 20° E, 30° E, 40° E, 50° E and 60° E longitudes.