Draw or stick the picture of Shivaji's escape from agra
and write infornation on it. (in 7 to 8 senterdes.)
The great Marahta ruler Shivaji was once imprisioned by the mughal rulker Aurangzeb in 1666 along with his son Sambaji.
Aurangzeb summoned Shivaji to Agra and planed to send Shivaji to Kandahar, now in Afghanistan, to consolidate the Mughal empire's frontier. However, in the court, on 12 May 1666, Aurangzeb made Shivaji stand behind mansabdārs (military commanders) of his court. Shivaji took offence and stormed out of court,[73] and was promptly placed under house arrest under the watch of Faulad Khan, Kotwal of Agra.
Shivaji decided to give grants to the local festival and Aurangzeb agreed. The grants were given in large baskets which were checked by Aurangzeb's guards. But after a few days the guards got lenient to check the baskets and then Shivaji smuggled himself and his son in the basket and got back to Raighad
Link for picture: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fkathakids.com%2Fstatic%2Fstory-images%2F2019%2F09%2FShivaji-Escape_KK-scaled.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fkathakids.com%2Fgreat-personalities%2Fhistory-and-legends%2Fshivajis-great-escape%2F&tbnid=d6GLoawm6Pq53M&vet=12ahUKEwirn--FsfPtAhXdCLcAHXVSB0EQMygAegUIARChAQ..i&docid=mfashFEQjsDroM&w=2560&h=1616&q=shivaji%20escape%20from%20agra%20picture&ved=2ahUKEwirn--FsfPtAhXdCLcAHXVSB0EQMygAegUIARChAQ