Draw the neat labelled diagram of a clinical thermometer and label its parts
Explain its construction and working
Construction: It consist of a cylindrical bulb B which is filled with mercury. A capillary tube T of uniform and fine bore is attached to the bulb. Just above the bulb at point C the tube is made narrow and bent. Since the temperature of human body varies from 95°F to 110°F, the thermometer is calibrated in this temperature range. Each degree is divided into five small equal divisions. Besides, as the temperature of a healthy man is 98.4°F, so special bold or red mark is made on the surface of the thermometer at 98.4°F
Working: Clinical thermometers are meant for clinical purposes. It is developed for measuring the human body temperature. It is a long narrow glass tube with a bulb containing mercury at the end. The normal human body temperature is 37˚C; which can fluctuate between the ranges 35˚C to 42˚C. Hence, the clinical thermometers have the range 35˚C to 42˚C. The level of mercury tells our body temperature in ˚C. Since mercury is a toxic element, thus these thermometers have been replaced by digital thermometers nowadays.