draw the time line of French revolution from 1781 to 1871
1788 – The royal treasury is empty; Prelude to the Revolution
1789 – The Revolution Begins; the Estates-General and the Constituent Assembly
1790 – the Rise of the Political Clubs
1791 – The unsuccessful flight of the Royal Family from Paris
1792 – War and the overthrow of the monarchy
December 10, 1792-January 21, 1793 – Trial and Execution of Louis XVI
1793 – France at war against Europe; The Jacobins seize power; The Terror begins
1794 – The fury of the Terror, the Cult of the Supreme Being, and the Downfall of Robespierre
1795 – The Directory Replaces the Convention
1796 – Napoleon's campaign in Italy; Defeat of the royalists in the Vendée; a failed uprising in Paris
1797 – Bonaparte chases the Austrians from Italy; a republican coup d'état against the royalists in Paris
1798 – New republics in Switzerland and Italy; an election annulled; Bonaparte invades Egypt
1799 – France at War in Italy and Germany; Bonaparte returns from Egypt; the Consulate seizes power; End of the Revolution
January 24
Louis XVI summons the Estates General
May 5
Estates-General convenes
June 20
The “Tennis Court Oath”
July 11
Louis dismisses Necker, a popular minister
July 14
The storming of the Bastille
August 4
Abolition of feudal (noble, clerical) rights
August 26
Declaration of the Rights of Man
October 5-6
The Wives’ March; Louis “kidnapped” back to Paris
May 19
National Assembly abolishes the nobility
July 12
Civil Constitution of the French Clergy
November 27
Clergy instructed to swear allegiance to France
March 10
Pope Pius VI condemns the Civil Constitution of the Clergy
June 20-21
Louis & Marie Antoinette flee; captured at Varennes
August 27
Declaration of Pillnitz: Austria & Prussia express support for Louis
New Constitution ratified (with support of Louis)
April 20
France declares war on Austria
April 25
The first use of the guillotine
June 13
Prussia declares war on France
August 9
Paris Commune established
August 10
Parisians storm Tuileries palace; end of Louis XVI’s power
September 20
French cannons drive back Prussians at Valmy
September 21
The French Republic proclaimed
January 21
Louis XVI executed
February 1
France declares war on Britain and the Netherlands
April 6
Committee of Public Safety founded
June 24
New Constitution proclaimed
August 12
Mass conscription instituted
October 5
Republican calendar adopted
October 16
Marie Antoinette executed
July 28
Robespierre guillotined