Social Sciences, asked by padmavathibolla, 9 months ago

draw the time line of French revolution from 1781 to 1871​

i want correct answer​


Answered by Anonymous


1 1788 – The royal treasury is empty; Prelude to the Revolution

2 1789 – The Revolution Begins; the Estates-General and the Constituent Assembly

2.1 July 14, 1789 – The Siege and Surrender of the Bastille

2.2 August 27, 1789 – Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

2.3 October 6, 1789 – Women's March on Versailles

3 1790 – the Rise of the Political Clubs

3.1 July 14, 1790 – Fête de la Fédération

4 1791 – The unsuccessful flight of the Royal Family from Paris

4.1 June 20–21, 1791 – The Royal Family flees Paris

5 1792 – War and the overthrow of the monarchy

5.1 August 10, 1792 – Storming of the Tuileries; Downfall of the King

5.2 September 2–7, 1792 – Massacres in Paris prisons

5.3 September 20, 1792 – French victory at Valmy; Debut of the Convention

6 December 10, 1792-January 21, 1793 – Trial and Execution of Louis XVI

7 1793 – France at war against Europe; The Jacobins seize power; The Terror begins

7.1 Uprising in the Vendée

7.2 April 6–May 30, 1793 - Committee on Public Safety takes control of government

7.3 May 31-June 2, 1793 – The Jacobin Coup d'État

7.4 July 13, 1793 – Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat by Charlotte Corday

7.5 September 17, 1793 – The Reign of Terror begins

7.6 October 16, 1793 – The execution of Marie-Antoinette

8 1794 – The fury of the Terror, the Cult of the Supreme Being, and the Downfall of Robespierre

8.1 March 30, 1794 – The arrest and trial of Danton and Desmoulins

8.2 June 8, 1794 – Festival of the Supreme Being; Acceleration of the Terror

8.3 July 26–28, 1794 – Arrest and execution of Robespierre; End of the Terror

9 1795 – The Directory Replaces the Convention

9.1 May 20–24, 1795 – Last Paris uprising by the Jacobins and sans-culottes

9.2 June 25-July 27, 1795 – Renewed uprisings in the Vendée and a royalist invasion of Brittany

9.3 August 22-September 23, 1795 – The new Constitution is approved: the Directory takes power

9.4 October 5, 1795 – "A whiff of grapeshot": General Bonaparte suppresses a royalist rebellion in Paris

10 1796 – Napoleon's campaign in Italy; Defeat of the royalists in the Vendée; a failed uprising in Paris

11 1797 – Bonaparte chases the Austrians from Italy; a republican coup d'état against the royalists in Paris

11.1 September 4, 1797 – A republican coup d'état against the royalists

12 1798 – New republics in Switzerland and Italy; an election annulled; Bonaparte invades Egypt

13 1799 – France at War in Italy and Germany; Bonaparte returns from Egypt; the Consulate seizes power; End of the Revolution

13.1 Conflicts between the Directory and the Legislature (June 1799)

13.2 Bonaparte returns to France (October 9, 1799)

13.3 The Coup d'État of November 9–10


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