Drawbacks of conventional methods of irrigation
Here's your answer!!
The drawbacks of conventional method of irrigation are as follows:
(i) In conventional system of irrigation a large quantity of water is not properly utilized.
(ii) The fields situated in low areas always get excess water causing prolonged water-logging resulting in poor yields.
(iii) In the fields about 10-15 percent of land is utilized for preparing channels,etc. which decreases effective area of cultivation.
(iv) Extensive areas of land in the arid and semi-arid regions of India are no longer used for cultivation due to accumulation of salts. Excessive irrigation and poor water management are the main reasons of water logging and gradual build up of excessive salts. Progressive build up of soil salinity has made soils unsuitable for cultivation.
(v) Crops are usually subjected to cyclic changes of flooding and water stress situations, by providing heavy irrigation at one time and leaving the fields to dry up for about 10 to 15 days. The moisture availability to the crops therefore keeps on changing. This results in poor yields in the crops.