Physics, asked by dreamfiller, 10 months ago

drive a relation between electric current and drift velocity and hence deduce Ohm's law and hence obtain the expression for resistivity in terms of number density of free electron and relaxation time​


Answered by mudit2018


First one is "relation between electric current and velocity"

Second one is "deduction of ohm's law"

And, the third one is "resistivity in terms of electron density and relaxation"

Answered by mithun890

The Relaxation time of free electrons in a conductor is known as the average time elapsed between two successive collisions.

Ohm's Law:

  • Let's take a conductor of length 1m and area A. If a potential difference V is applied across its ends, then the current produced is i. Let, n is the number of electrons per unit volume in the conductor and V_{d} the drift velocity electrons, then the relation between current and drift velocity is written as

                           I=-neAV_{d} ---eqno:1

                        e-- electronic charge, (q=1.6 X10^{-19} C)

  • Electric field, E=\frac{V}{I}---eqno:2
  • Let, T be the relaxation time and E is the electric field therefore the drift velocity will be,

                   V_{d} =\frac{-erE}{m}----eqno:3

  • Now by substituting this in eq 1 we get,

                     I=-\frac{ne^{2}T }{m} AE----eqno:4

  • from eq2 we can write as,

             I=\frac{ne^{2}tA }{m} (v)--eqno:5

  • we know that the current density formula as,

                                  J= \frac{I}{A}

                                   =\frac{ne^{2}T }{ml} (V)

  • above is the Relation between current density J and applied potential difference V.
  • Under given physical conditions for a given conductor is written

                  \frac{m}{ne^{2} } \frac{1}{A} = constant

∴ we can say that the constant is called the resistance of the conductor R

                 R=\frac{m}{ne^{2} T} \frac{1}{A} ----eqno:6

  • from eq 5&6 we can write as,

                  \frac{V}{I} =R

This is the ohm's law, hence derived.

Expression for resistivity:

as R=\frac{pl}{A}---eqno:7

by comparing both eq6&7 we can write as,

resistivity of the conductor

p=\frac{m}{ne^{2} t} ---eqno:8

the resistivity of a conductor is inversely proportional to the number density of electrons and relaxation time.

R is the resistivity of the material of a conductor depends upon the relaxation time, i.e, temperature and the number density of electrons.


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