Drug taking,violence/ crime and fowl play can detract sport from national building. Identify one incidence on each of these three detractors of nation building
in South African sports
The prevalence of Drugs usage, violence or crime and foul play shatters the nations hope as well as disparage the nation building. Few examples are-
Drug Taking:
In other words, it’s known as doping. Ashwini Akkunji is an Indian sprinter and was banned for 2yrs in 2011 for Anabolic Steroids.
Violence / Crime:
Violence in sports means intentional harmful physical action against the fellow player. During 2006 World Cup Finals Zidane confused the opponent with the ball and inflicted some pain during the process.
Foul Play:
Fowl play can cause injuries to the players which could be catastrophic. Sports like soccer and rugby have a high-level risk during the game.
"In cricket of South African Sports, if the player takes the drug he is proclaimed to violence and he is not able to continue the game.
In athletic performance effect of drug leads to better performance in athletic sports leads to the detract of the sport from the national building.
In any sports, if there is a foul play the national building of South Africa does the restrictions to participate in the sport.