drugs addiction essay in english 10th class
Drug addiction has become a major cause of concern all over the globe. It is a devastating state that has been running a riot for a decade and there is an urgent need to put an end to it. Drug addiction is synonymous with substance disorder abuse. Victims of such abuse are in pitiable conditions. It affects them mentally, physically and emotionally.
In India, substance disorder abuse comprises narcotics, sedatives and stimulants. Opium and heroin are examples of the same. A drug addict loses his control over mind and engages in activities that are considered illegal for mankind- kidnappings, murder, robbery, burglary and the list is endless. It also harms their relationships as such an addiction can have adverse effects on their moods- they can get very aggressive at times and can be murderous.
We need to help such people. It is not easy to quit addiction all at once. It is a long and gradual process and has to be dealt with smartly and wisely. Quitting all at once can take a toll on their lives and the withdrawal effects can be very harmful- heart dresses, respiratory problems, emotional imbalance, incessant vomitings, etc.
A drug addict should be treated only by a professional. There are several ways to fight addiction, drugs in particular:
Behavioral counselors take regular sessions with such patients to help them in distress themselves.
Doctors treat them using medicines and therapies that fight not just addiction but problems of anxiety and depression.
Rehabilitation centers have been built to admit drug addicts and provide 24×7 services.
Drug addiction campaigns must be run in schools, universities and colleges stating about ill effects of the same and ways to treat such patients.
Even if a patient is fully cured, he/she may need to be treated for life as it can be relapsed anytime. Yoga, meditation, regular counseling sessions and medication can help them stay away from drugs