Dry and wet test for cation
Answer is written below. You can also see the same test for anion. I have written below.
Dry and wet test of Cation ⇒ Dry tests are those tests which are performed with the solid salt (or a mixture of salts), while wet tests are those tests which are preformed by dissolving the salt. (or mixture of salts) in water, acid or any other solvent.
Generally in dry and wet test for colored salts, we uses a compound named Sodium Borate. Sodium Borate(or Borax) is one of the compound of the Boron which is the mandatory part of every chemistry laboratory.
Chemical formula for Sodium Borate is Na₂[B₄O₅(OH)₅]·8H₂O.
For Uncolored salts, other solvents like Mohr's salt or Kessler's Reagfent is used.
Dry and wet test for anion ⇒ The dry test of anion is a basic test performed to detect the presence of element in compound by introducing the sample to the flame for noting the color produced, since some common and the certain element can be detected by means of their characteristic flame color.
The wet test of an anion is the test which is based on the principle of treating solution with succession of reagents so that each reagent can separate a group of reagent.
Dry and wet test for cation:
Cations are the positively charged ions which are attracted to the cathode in the process of electrolysis. In salt formation, the segment contributed by base is called a cation.
Example: In NaCl, are the cations and
are the anions.
Dry tests are the tests performed with solid salts or a mixture of salts involving the physical properties and general appearance like colour, smell etc.
Some of the dry tests are as follows:
- Dry salt test
- Blow pipe test
- Flame test
- Sodium carbonate bead test
- Borax bead test
- Charcoal cavity test
Wet tests are those performed by dissolving the "mixture of salts" in 'water', 'acid' or 'any solvents'.
When the mixture is dissolved in water or any solvent, if precipitates are formed, we can classify them based on their properties as chlorides, sulphides, hydroxides, carbonates etc. If there is no formation of precipitate, further tests are performed to check the group tests.