Drying,Cooking,salting, soaking with sugar .Odd Man Out
other are prevension of food material is use
Cooking because rest three are the methods of preservation of food but cooking is the method of preparation of food.
Cuisine is the act of preparing and hotting food so it can be eaten.
Drying is a mass transfer process conforming of the junking of water or another detergent by evaporation from a solid,semi-solid or liquid. This process is frequently used as a final product step before dealing or packaging products.
Drying or “ dehydrating ” food is a system of food preservation that removes enough humidity from the food so bacteria, incentive and molds can not grow.
Salting is the preservation of food with dry comestible swab. It's related to pickling in general and more specifically to brining also known as stirring ( preparing food with Neptune, that is, salty water) and is one form of curing.
Soaking with sugar
Sugaring is a food preservation system analogous to pickling. Sugaring is the process of desiccating a food by first dehydrating it, also packing it with pure sugar. This sugar can be liquid in the form of table or raw sugar, or it can be thick liquid impregnated with sugar similar as honey, saccharinity or molasses.
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