M.B.A. (FT) IV Semester New/Ex. Examination, 2020
Paper - CP-402
Business Legislation
Maximum Marks : 80
Note: All questions from each section carry equal marks All questions are compulsory and answer limit are approximately
250 words Start the answer of each section from new page Maximum limit of pages of answer booklet are
approximately 16 pages. Answer should be wnitten by the student in his/her own handwnting mandatory The
first page of answersheet should be download by the student from university website www bubhopal ac in is
1. Explain the term 'Promotion and describe his legal status vis a vis the company
2. What are the remedies available to an aggrieved person in case of breach of a contract? Explain
3. Discuss the composition and jurisdiction of the National Commission as per consumer Protection Law.
4. What are the various laws enforced by the pollution control Board?
5. Explain various provisions of companies Act, 1956 related to the mergers and acquisitions in India
Answered by
M.B.A. (FT) IV Semester New/Ex. Examination, 2020
Paper - CP-402
Business Legislation
Maximum Marks : 80
Note: All questions from each section carry equal marks All questions are compulsory and answer limit are approximately
250 words Start the answer of each section from new page Maximum limit of pages of answer booklet are
approximately 16 pages. Answer should be wnitten by the student in his/her own handwnting mandatory The
first page of answersheet should be download by the student from university website www bubhopal ac in is
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