duces current ?
Then a force is experience on
1. Explain with the help of two activities that current catrying wire produser o Reverse the polarities of the ma
magnetic field
Marko 7 The right hand rule hipe the de
Ezplain Faraday's law of Inducts
Itow do you conduct an experiment to verify oerated statement in your lab?
Ann, Activity
How do you prove that the eba
1) Take a thermocol sheet und nx two thin wooden
stics of height l om which have small slit at the
top of their ends
1) Connect the terminals of a co
2) Arrange a copper wire of page so that it passes through these site and make a circut. 2) Normally, we would not expect
3) This circuit consists of a 3 or 9V battery, key and copper wire which are connected in there is no EMP in the circuit
series as shown in Agar
3) Now, if we push a bar magnet
Now, keep a magnetic compass below the wire bring a bar magnet close to the
needle in the galvanometer de
5) The needle in the compans deflects. This deflection is due to magnetic feld produced
coll, the galvanometer does no
by bar magnet
0) Take the bar maget far away from the circuit and switch on the trcuit. Observe die
4) If the magnet is moved away in
changes in compass,
the galvanometer again deflect
7) The compass needle deflecta
rection, which means that a cu
a) This deflection is due to the magnetic field produced by current carrying wire in the opposite direction.
Activity - 4
AS, 4 Marka
5) If we use the end of south pol
1) Take a wooden plank and make a hole as shown in figure
north pole, the results ie, the
2) Place this plank on a table. Now place a retort stand on the plank.
eter are exactly opposite to the
3) Pussa 24 gange copper wire through hole of the plank and rubber knob of the to 6) This activity proves that the
stand in such a way that the wire be arranged in a vertical position and not touch the stand linked with a closed coil prod
4) Connect the two ends of the wire to a battery via
7) From this Faraday's law of ind
5) Mare 6 to 10 compass nerdes in a circolar path
change of magnetic flux linker
around the hole so that its centre coincides with
This induced EMF is equal to
the hole. Use 3 (or) 9 volt battery in the circuit
Now switch an. Current flows through the wire.
What experiment do you sugge
are required? What suggestion
We observe that the compass needles delleets in a Battery
Give precautions also
particular direction
us. Experiment:
The deflection of compass needles is due to the
magnetic Dela produced by current carrying wire
1) Take a circular cott whose en
The two activities mentioned above proves that a
2) Take a bar magnet and now
magnetic field is produced around a current
is facing the coil
carrying wire
3) It is observed that the needle
what are the material required for this experiment
Answered by
what is this sorry I don't know how to do byee have a nice day
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