English, asked by zbzbzgbchdh, 7 months ago

Due to Coronavirous schools are closed but studies are going on through
online/ semi online modes. Write a letter to your principal about your online
studies giving feedback about your experience.​


Answered by 000021


sender's address


The Principal

(your school)

(address of the recipient)

Dear Principal Sir/Madam

Subject: Feedback of my experience in online studies.

Me, as a student of class..... in (your school) love the new experience of online studies. I found it really helpful. It consumes less time on things like getting ready to school etc and consumes more time on studies. It makes us learn from home without worrying for health due to Coronavirus.

Yours sincerely

(Your name)

I wrote the paragraph depending on my experience please write your own experience.

Take help

Hope you like it

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