due to covid 19 lockdown every one is stuck at home .write a letter to editor on how community is handlinfg covid-19 after a chain of notices from government and WH
Covid Magazine
New Delhi-110012.
Sub: Life during Covid 19 lockdown in India- regarding.
As you are aware that Corona – Covid 19 has spread its feet all over the world and all the people of the World are in spot of Shock and fear. Almost 50 days has been over since lockdown has been implemented by the Government. Everybody is stuck at their homes as at present, there is no medicine or vaccine available in the country. Unlike some of the other countries, our countrymen has taken this challenge in a very positive way and they are supporting the Govt. and administration in successful implementation of this lockdown. It is what obvious that everybody is facing lot of problem like daily labourers have no source of income, small companies cannot take load of huge staff due to shutdown, due to which many people have got unemployed, schools have been closed and other issues like this. But still in such a harsh situation, major population of our community is taking it on a serious note. They know that life is first and other things are secondary. If we will stay live, only then we can work to earn for our families. In India, many of the migrant labourers used to work away from the homes in other states, but due to his pandemic, they lost their work and most of them are going back to their homes. But still they are not creating any nuisance like agitation, suicides and through stones on officials or corona worriers because even they know that in such a situation, very less can be done for them. In starting time of this lockdown, some incidents were seen where our corona worriers were punished for their sacrifices which they are doing to save us, by some of notorious community people but now after the strict action of Governments and local bodies and even the countrymen, such incidents have decreased. From last few days, Government is also working hard to send the migrant workers to their homes and even people who stuck in some foreign countries, are also being bringing back by Indian special planes to make them sure and believe that they are not been ignored and they are precious part of our community.
Now it is the duty of every countrymen to follow and comply with the guidelines of GOI and WHO and maintain hygiene and social distancing at every step of life because at present, this is the only medicine for this dangerous disease. I am sure that India will definitely win this battle again COVID-19 and India will shine again.
Sir, kindly consider my thought for your issue on Covid-19 and oblige.
Rakesh Kumar
Chartered Accountant
New Delhi