English, asked by marshmellow007, 1 year ago

'Duke was more than a dog. He was a companion, a nurse and a guide for his crippled master'. Justify


Answered by methian
More than a dog, duke was a companion, a nurse and a guide to his crippled master. when chuck hooper was on the bed duke was always there with him as a companion. duke took care of him, helped him to get on his feet by taking him for a walk everyday. he used to guide his master during the walk. he had been the source of inspiration for his master.he was the one who inspired Chuck to get up and walk.
Answered by Shakespeare0856
Duke was indeed an extraordinary dog. He was a Doberman Pinscher, four years old, twenty three kilos in weight. What impresses us the most about him was his instinctive awareness about the needs of his master. It seems as if he understood the problem of his master after his first and last jump on him in joyful ignorance. When he realized his master was not well, he never jumped on him.

Duke tried hard to make his master stand on his feet. When Hooper happened to hold Duke's leash, Duke took a U-Turn, forcing his master to stand up and take the first difficult step. Each day he helped his master walk a bit further, step by step. As if he knew what he was doing, he would stop when Hooper would sit or fall and give him time to move again. In two weeks he made his master reach the front porch. Months later Duke led his master to his office desk.

Everyday Duke motivated his master. His efforts resulted in Hooper's doing full day's work in his office. He soon became Regional Sales Manager for four states. In their new house, nobody was aware of what happened to Hooper but they saw him always pulled by a rampageous dog 'that acted as if he owned the man'.

It was only due to Duke that Hooper came to cope with his loss. He successfully moved from a state of denial and anger to a state of calm acceptance.

His appointment as an Assistant National Sales Manager was a tribute to Duke who was a beacon of light in his old days.

Hope this helps!!!!

Shakespeare0856: Thanks
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