Biology, asked by luvkumar8125, 1 year ago

During fertilisation male gametes are carried by pollen tube called pollen tube is ca


Answered by shashank010

brother what is your question I'm not able to understand but I am still going to answer what I know from my perspective towards this question

when the pollen grains of anther are stuck on the stigma of same flower of the same plant
then it's called as self pollination
where is when the pollen grains of enters are stuck on the stigma of the of the same flower of another plant then it's called cross pollination

thank you

vaibhavsijaria: u are very lazy
vaibhavsijaria: do you know English language
vaibhavsijaria: if yes then you should understand
vaibhavsijaria: chool ka nam miti mei dubadiya
Answered by SyedNomanShah

● During fertilisation male gametes are carried by pollen tube called Siphonogamy.

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