During recess time you see some of your classmates leave the water tap of your school open after using it. Discuss it with your partner. What can you do to save water?
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Hemant: Hey Div ! Did you see those Malli, Samy, Sunil left the tap
half-open after drinking water from the tap?
Divya: Oh! Yeah! That's terrible. They're always in a hurry. They don't
check properly whether they close the tap or not. So careless!
Spurthi: I too observed. They do that everyday. They're careless because
they've a lot of water at their homes, I suppose.
Hemant: Possibly they never faced water shortage.
Divya: True. We're careful because we know the value of water.
Spurthi: Because of them there is no water in the tank, after 3pm. So in
the hot afternoon some students have to suffer.
Hemant: What should be done about them? What should be done to
the water tap?
Spurthi: We need to tell them and educate them about importance of
water and also to be careful about wastage.
Divya: We will take him to the colony nearby, where they stand in a
line for collecting drinking water. Show him photos of villagers
walking with pots on their heads in the middle of hot Sunny day.
Hemant: We should have taps that automatically close after 10 seconds.
That is the average time for which we drink directly from the
tap. Or, to fill a glass, it takes only 10 sec.
Spurthi: We could have a sensor above the taphead, that opens the
tap only when a glass or a hand is sensed.
Divya: Perhaps that will be costly. But water is also expensive. We
should do some science projects to build such a water
Hemant: yeah! That's a good idea.
Spurthi: I will collect some statistics about water scarcity and wastage
in our country. We will present an article in the school
Hemant: I will speak on the subject with the data in the ASL speech.
Spurthi: I will design a poster for save water and paste it near the water tap.
The caption will be "SAVE WATER, BY A LITTLE CARE !"
Another notice saying "Please close tap carefully, after drinking water"
just above the taphead.
Divya: Gud! Okay yaar, It's time for the classes. Shall we go in?
Hemant: Spurthi: ok..
half-open after drinking water from the tap?
Divya: Oh! Yeah! That's terrible. They're always in a hurry. They don't
check properly whether they close the tap or not. So careless!
Spurthi: I too observed. They do that everyday. They're careless because
they've a lot of water at their homes, I suppose.
Hemant: Possibly they never faced water shortage.
Divya: True. We're careful because we know the value of water.
Spurthi: Because of them there is no water in the tank, after 3pm. So in
the hot afternoon some students have to suffer.
Hemant: What should be done about them? What should be done to
the water tap?
Spurthi: We need to tell them and educate them about importance of
water and also to be careful about wastage.
Divya: We will take him to the colony nearby, where they stand in a
line for collecting drinking water. Show him photos of villagers
walking with pots on their heads in the middle of hot Sunny day.
Hemant: We should have taps that automatically close after 10 seconds.
That is the average time for which we drink directly from the
tap. Or, to fill a glass, it takes only 10 sec.
Spurthi: We could have a sensor above the taphead, that opens the
tap only when a glass or a hand is sensed.
Divya: Perhaps that will be costly. But water is also expensive. We
should do some science projects to build such a water
Hemant: yeah! That's a good idea.
Spurthi: I will collect some statistics about water scarcity and wastage
in our country. We will present an article in the school
Hemant: I will speak on the subject with the data in the ASL speech.
Spurthi: I will design a poster for save water and paste it near the water tap.
The caption will be "SAVE WATER, BY A LITTLE CARE !"
Another notice saying "Please close tap carefully, after drinking water"
just above the taphead.
Divya: Gud! Okay yaar, It's time for the classes. Shall we go in?
Hemant: Spurthi: ok..
:0 | Rating : ∞ stars | Divyanka says : Just amazing! Honestly, all the answers of yours are like (perhaps i didn't learn those good words to describe them!) | Thanks sir! (For being so awesome!)
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