English, asked by a88859016022005, 10 months ago

During the lockdown as part of the COVID pandemic, you have noticed a growing obsession with electronic gadgets among children your age. You are quite unhappy with this trend of increased use of electronic devices and decreased physical activity among children. You decide to write a letter to the Editor of a daily newspaper expressing your views about the same. As Nishanth or Niyati write the said letter in about 100 words. 5 marksu​


Answered by AyanMohammad11


JAIPUR: Around 65% children have become device addictive in  ..

Read more at:



Answered by theking20

Letter to the editor of a local newspaper:

A-22 Shakti Nagar,


Date- 08.02.2020


The Editor

The Telegraph

P-569 Lake Road


         Sub: Highlighting the trend of using electronic devices


        I am Nishanth Roy, A daily reader of your newspaper. In this letter, I want to highlight the trend of increased use of electronic devices and decreased physical activity among children.

    In this lockdown, children became obsessed with electronic gadgets. They are getting addicted to mobile, laptop, video games and etc. They totally forgot to get involved in physical activities. This obsession is harming them indirectly and ruining their good habits and discipline. Their guardians must keep eye on them.

    I would be obliged if my writing gets a little space in your esteemed daily.

Yours faithfully,

Nishanth Roy

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