During the shooting of a superhit film 'MARD' Amitabh Bachahan was waiting for his beloved Amrita Singh with his dog. When he saw her approaching, thedog was excited and dashed to her than back to master and so on, never stopping. How far would you estimate the dog ran if his speed is 30km//h and each of them walked at 4km//h, starting 400m apart?
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During the shooting of a superhit film 'MARD' Amitabh Bachahan was waiting for his beloved Amrita Singh with his dog. When he saw her approaching, the dog was excited and dashed to her than back to master and so on, never stopping. How far would you estimate
Search instead for During the shooting of a superhit film 'MARD' Amitabh Bachahan was waiting for his beloved Amrita Singh with his dog. When he saw her approaching, thedog was excited and dashed to her than back to master and so on, never stopping. How far would you estimatAnswer:
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