CBSE BOARD X, asked by aneeskhan030, 3 months ago

During these tough times of pandemic, our society has changed tremendously .Be mindful of this fact and write your views about ONLINE SHOPPING


Answered by sejaljamwal


Explanation: Today, more and more people buy different items from the internet. Should we shop from such popular web shops? On the one hand, there are some advantages: we can shop anything we want at the time that we decide it by just being home. Also, the goods are cheaper than in the real shops and there is great variety of things to choose. So, we buy without being tired. On the other hand, our order may be late when it comes, even if it is already paid. We may not like the items in reality, when we take them and, if we change our mind, we cannot call our order off. It is possible to lose our money and not take the goods we ordered. To sum up, it is both good and bad to buy things from the internet, so everyone must be very careful with what he or she chooses to do

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