Duties of consumer for consumer awareness project
Duties of consumers:-
The main duty of consumers is to check balance, weights, prices, etc.
consumers should not buy the goods from the black market.
consumers should pay for the services they purchased. They should read the label carefully before buying the product.
The consumer should file a complaint in case if there is a defect in the product.
A consumer is a person who purchases goods and/or services for personal use.
Consumer take decisions about whether to buy the product or not.
Consumers can be influenced by marketing advertisements.
Consumer Rights:-
a) Right to safety
b) Right to information
c) Right to choose
d) Right to heard
e) Right to consumer education
Consumer Responsibilities:-
Consumers should be aware of his/her rights under the consumer protection act.
Consumers should be aware of the product which they are going to buy.
Consumers should check for the standard marks like Hallmark or ISI.