Dutys of students easy class 11 plz give me answer
students must behave properly in class take care of school properties must behave well with teachers don't show aggression and don't Bully others and they must respect Each Other respect their teachers and take care of their school properties they should not fight in class and they must make sure that their class is neat and clean and well maintained than other classes and they should also make sure that every student is with them and always make sure that they are doing their best in making their classes clean students must respect their notebooks and must pay attention to studies as well and concentrate on your future and career and should know their aims and goals so that's why they must make notes in classes and that's their duties because if they will make notes they will get a better opportunity to get something better in their career some students think that they are too much younger to do everything they are wrong they must focus on their studies because this is the very delicate age in which they get addicted to different things which are wrong for them instead of that they must ask for help from their teachers they must make their goals and they should not depend on others and they should focus focus on their educational goals and also career they should also be the leader one in the class or in their group of friends as being group leader they can get so much confidence from that they should also be a time managed guy because when you can manage your time then you know it's importance they should also focus on their final goal and should not be interacted with another things which are not good for them and they should also listen to their parents and not get too much this attention they must know that whatever their parents do for them is the right thing and after the complete this scooling than they have the right to do anything
hope it helps yoy dude plz follow me