2. The elements belonging to group 1,2 and group 13 to 18 are known as…..
(Transition metals, Representative elements, Noble gases, Lanthanides)
Answer :
The elements belonging to group 1,2 and group 13 to 18 are known as representative elements.
★ Additional Information :
- Transition elements are the elements which lie in between s and p block elements in the long form of periodic table.
- Lanthanoids : The elements with atomic number 58 to 71 (which come immediately after lanthanum) are called lanthanoids.
- Group 18 elements are called noble gases.
➠ The horizontal rows in the periodic table are called periods and vertical columns are called groups.
➠ The long or extended form of periodic table consists seven periods and eighteen groups
➠ The modern periodic law states that the physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers.
Answer :
The elements belonging to group 1,2 and group 13 to 18 are known as representative elements.
★ Additional Information :
Transition elements are the elements which lie in between s and p block elements in the long form of periodic table.
Lanthanoids : The elements with atomic number 58 to 71 (which come immediately after lanthanum) are called lanthanoids.
Group 18 elements are called noble gases.
➠ The horizontal rows in the periodic table are called periods and vertical columns are called groups.
➠ The long or extended form of periodic table consists seven periods and eighteen groups
➠ The modern periodic law states that the physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers.