e 8- digit numbers and write the play e of the digt which in thousands place
Numbers with 8 digits start with ten million (one crore), which is 1 followed by 7 zeros and is written as 10000000. While numbers are widely used in our day-to-day life, larger numbers are used to express the population of a state, the distance to be travelled in a certain number of days, the area of a particular place or a country, and so on. Numbers always start with a place value of ones and move on to tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on. Numbers are represented in the numeral form as well as in the word form. The Indian place value system and the International place value system have a very slight difference in the names of a few place values. Let us learn about how to read and decompose numbers up to 8 digits.
What are Numbers Up to 8 Digits?
Every number has a place value. The place value gives the actual value of a digit and it starts from ones place. The Indian place value system and the International system have common names till the fifth digit in a number, which is ten thousands. The sixth digit from the right is named lakhs in the Indian system and a hundred thousand in the international system. As we move to the 7th digit, we get acquainted with a new word – million. This word is used in the International numbering system and is equivalent to 10 lakh in the Indian system. Observe the following chart which shows the place names for numbers as per the Indian Place Value System and the International Place Value System.