Environmental Sciences, asked by smridhim2124, 1 month ago

Answer the following questions.
Why would life not be possible on the earth in the absence of photosynthesis?
Give reasons for the following:
(a) Mushroom is a saprotroph.
(b) Sun is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms.
(c) The leaf of a plant dies out if its stomata are blocked.
(d) Leaf is known as the food factory of the plant,​


Answered by sxngxxthx


  • In the absence of green plants, there would not be the process of photosynthesis. ... Besides oxygen which is essential for the survival of all living organisms is produced during photosynthesis. Thus, we can say that life would be impossible on the earth in the absence of photosynthesis
  • Sun is the ultimate source of energy for all organisms because the sun and its light help to growth of plant and through plant other organism alive. The Brainliest Answer!
  • )Mushroom get its food from dead and decaying matter due to which it is known as saprotrophs
  • The stomata are the pores surrounded by guard cells which help plant to take in carbon dioxide and take out oxyzen. This is so because when the stomata was blocked the plant was unable to take in carbon dioxide and hence unable to perform photosynthesis
  • Leaves are called the food factory of the plant because it makes food by the process of photosynthesis with the help of raw materials like water and carbon-dioxide using sunlight and chlorophyll


Answered by thebrain2312


1 - absence of green plants, there would not be the process of photosynthesis. Without photosynthesis it will affect the plant as it could not make food. The survival of almost all living organism directly or indirectly depends upon the food made by the plants.

2 -(a)mushroom is saprotrophic

(a)mushroom is saprotrophic(b)sun is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms.

(a)mushroom is saprotrophic(b)sun is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms.(c) the leaf of a plant 'dies out's if it's stomata are blocked

(a)mushroom is saprotrophic(b)sun is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms.(c) the leaf of a plant 'dies out's if it's stomata are blocked(d)leaf Is know as the food factory of the plant.

(a)mushroom is saprotrophic(b)sun is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms.(c) the leaf of a plant 'dies out's if it's stomata are blocked(d)leaf Is know as the food factory of the plant.(e)lichen is a 'living partnership ' between a fungus and an alga and this 'partnership' is beneficial to both.

A) The sun is considered the primary energy source since it is the source of nearly all the earth’s energy.

The sun is considered the primary energy source since it is the source of nearly all the earth’s energy.Plants produce food using sunlight, and the food we get from plants and animals also has its primary sunlight source.

The sun is considered the primary energy source since it is the source of nearly all the earth’s energy.Plants produce food using sunlight, and the food we get from plants and animals also has its primary sunlight source.The fossil fuels we use in our everyday lives come from dead plants and animals that have their origins as solar energy again.

B) the stomata are the porese surrounded by guard cells which help plant to take in carbon dioxide and take out oxygen this is so because when the stomata was block.

C) The leaf is the part of the plant that produces food for the plant by the process of photosynthesis. The leaf has chlorophyll which gives the green color to the leaf. Chlorophyll makes food for the plant using carbon dioxide, water, nutrients, and sunlight.



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