History, asked by snehasishkarmakar, 3 months ago

Answer the following questions in one or two words/sentences.
1 How did the rigid caste system in the Later Vedic period affect the shudras?
2. Name the twenty-fourth and the last tirthankara of the Jains.
3. Mention any one difference between the Digambaras and the Svetambaras.
4. In which parts of India is Jainism still popular?
5. Where did Gautama Buddha achieve enlightenment?
6. Why is Buddhism referred to as the 'middle path?
7. What do you understand by the term 'eightfold path' of Buddhism?
8. Name the two Buddhist sects.​


Answered by varanyashukla

Identify and name it.

Ans. Dilwara Jain Temple

Where is it situated?

Ans. Mount Abu (Rajasthan)

Who built it?

Ans. Vastupala

Write a paragraph about it.

Ans. The five legendary marble temples of Dilwara are a sacred pilgrimage place of the Jains. Many scholars consider them to be one of the most beautiful Jain pilgrimage sites in the world.

Textbook Keywords

Tirthankaras: They were the religious teachers of Jainism who preached before Mahavira.

Jina: It means conquerer of the self.

Karma: It means that people’s actions decide their destiny. Moksha It means freedom from the cycle of birth and death.

Digambara Sect of Jainism: The word means sky clad. They did not wear any clothes and followed the original teachings of Mahavira.

Svetambaras: They were Jain monks who wore white clothes and did not believe in hard penance.

Purvas and Angas: They are the religious literature of the Jains.

Ashtangika marga:  It means the eight fold path.

Ahimsa: means non-violence. Both Jainism and Buddhism preached this principle.

Nirvana: It means freedom from the cycle of birth and death.

Sangha was the order of the Buddhist monks.

Tripitakas and Jatakas Are Buddhist religious texts.

Additional Questions

A. Fill in the blanks.

 1. Many evil customs crept into Hindu society.

The shudras were denied the right to study religious texts.

In the 6th century BCE two great religious reformers, Vardhamana Mahavira and Gautam a Buddha were bom.

Two famous followers of Jainism were Bimbisara and Mahayana.

The religious literature of the Buddhists is contained in the Tripitakas and Jatakas.

Buddhism was divided into two sects, Hinayana and Mahayana

Jainism was divided into two sects, Digambaras and Svetambaras.

B. Match the following.


C. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.

How did the new customs destroy the simplicity of the original Vedic religion?


Costly sacrifices, superstitions and elaborate, meaningless rituals destroyed the simplicity and appeal of the original vedic religion.

Question 2.

How did the rigid caste system affect the shudras?


Shudras were increasingly isolated and persecuted. They were denied the

Question 11.

Explain the following terms:





Ahimsa—Ahimsa means non-violence. Both Jainism and Buddhism preached this principle.

Karma— People’s actions will decide their destiny. Good deeds are rewarded and evil deeds are punished.

Moksha— The hightest goal of a person’s life was to attain Moksha freedom from the cycle of birth and death.


pls follow me and mark as brainliest

Answered by GRIME

Answer 1 : Caste system became more rigid in the later Vedic period . Brahmins became the superior power in the society and the shudras became untouchables even inter-caste marriage were forbidden.

Answer 2: Mahavira was the last tirthankara of the Jains in the 6th century BCE.

Answer 3: the main difference between the digambaras and the svetambaras was that the digambaras did not wear any clothes and follow the original teachings of Mahavira .But the followers of svetambaras worn white clothes and did not believe in any her penance.

Answer 4: Maharashtra ,Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Madhya Pradesh.

Answer 5: the Bodhi tree(the tree of awakening ).

Answer 6: the middle part generally refers to the avoidance of two extremes of practical life indulgence in sensual pleasure on the one hand and severe asceticism on the other .

Answer 7:The Eight Fold Path is the path of nirvana, comprising of eight aspects in which an aspirant must become practised ; right view, intention, speech, action, livelihood,effort, mindfulness,and, concentration.

Answer 8:Mahayana and Hinayana are the two sects in which Buddhism was divided after the death of Buddha.


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