E. Answer the questions in about 50-70 words.
1. What are the materials that make the Earth's crust of continents and ocean floor?
2. Name the sources through which we may know about the interior of the Earth.
3. What are tectonic plates?
4. How are rocks different from minerals?
5. Why is petroleum called a fossil fuel?
F. Answer the questions in about 80-100 words.
1. What do you know about the structure of the Earth?
2. What are the three groups of rocks on the basis of their origin? What were the geologic processes
involved in the formation of each group?
3. How is transform boundary different from divergent boundary?
4. Explain the rock cycle.
5. How are rocks and minerals important to us?
G. Think and answer.
1. Why is inner core liquid but outer core solid?
2. Why don't we know much about the interior of the Earth?
Answered by
From mud and clay to diamonds and coal, Earth's crust is composed of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. The most abundant rocks in the crust are igneous, which are formed by the cooling of magma.
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