Science, asked by rohanchaudhary4120, 3 months ago

E. coli cell culture (1 ml) was diluted 106 -fold and 200 l of this was used for plating. After24 h incubation, the colony forming units (CFU) was found as 150. The CFU count of theoriginal culture is


Answered by rajeswaribr

Answer:To find out the number of CFU/ ml in the original sample, the number of colony forming units on the countable plate is multiplied by 1/FDF. This takes into account all of the dilution of the original sample. For the example above, the countable plate had 200 colonies, so there were 200 CFU, and the FDF was 1/4000.colony-forming unit (CFU or cfu) is a measure of viable bacterial or fungal cells. In direct microscopic counts (cell counting using haemocytometer) where all cells, dead and living, are counted,but CFU measures only viable cells. For convenience the results are given as CFU/mL (colony-forming units per milliliter) for liquids, and CFU/g (colony-forming units per gram) for solids. CFU can be calculated using miles and misra method, it is useful to determine the microbiological load and magnitude of infection in blood and other samples.

Calculate the number of bacteria (CFU) per milliliter or gram of sample by dividing the number of colonies by the dilution factor The number of colonies per ml reported should reflect the precision of the method and should not include more than two significant figures.


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