एंडेमिक स्पीशीज ऑफ तमिलनाडु
India is represented by a wide array of faunal species. More than 50,000 species of insects, 4,000 of molluscs, 6,500 of other invertebrates, 2,000 of fishes, 140 of amphibians, 420 of reptiles, 1,200 of birds and 340 of mammals, totalling more than 65,000 species of animals are recorded from the country. Tamil Nadu's faunal biodiversity is equally impressive. Dr. K. Venkataraman of Zoological Survey of India, Chennai has published about 595 species of freshwater faunal, 2,247 species of marine faunal and 1,898 species of terrestrial faunal species in Tamil Nadu. The faunal diversity of the State includes 165 species of fresh water fishes, 76 species of amphibians, 177 species of reptiles, 454 species of birds and 187 species of mammals. According to the CAMP reports the red-listed species include 126 species of fishes, 56 species of amphibians, 77 species of reptiles, 32 species of birds and 40 species of mammals. The endemic fauna includes 36 species of amphibians, 63 species of reptiles, 17 species of birds and 24 species of mammals. Many faunal species have been included in the various schedules of the Wild Life Protection Act 1972, considering their endangered status. Schedule I animals include 22 species of mammals, 42 species of birds and 9 species of reptiles. Schedule II includes 13 species of mammals. Schedule III includes 5 species of mammals and Schedule IV includes 5 species of mammals, 367 species of birds, 109 species of reptiles and 23 species of amphibians. Schedule V incorporates 13 species of mammals and 1 species of birds.
Urbanization (or urbanisation) refers to the population shift from rural to urban areas, the decrease in the proportion of people living in rural areas, and the ways in which societies adapt to this change. ... It is predicted that by 2050 about 64% of the developing world and 86% of the developed world will be urbanized.