English, asked by ishanvastav24, 2 months ago

e. Do you have any information about the hockey matches?
f. My sisters are looking for employment with the Indian Airlines.
g. Our teachers are wearing spectacles.
h. They presented silver trophies to the winners.
i. The policeman is controlling the traffic.
j. The shepherd went to fetch the sheep from the meadow.
k. The princess watched the dance of the fairy but didn't listen to the music.
1. The puppy is drinking milk from the bowl
m. The hero sa ved the child from the wolf.
n. The woman in the news is a very famous German
o. The chief ordered the man to pluck the mango from the tree.
p. The key to the laboratory has been left in the bus.
4. The hunter gave the information about the wounded deer to the doctor
r. The daughter-in-law of the family is very courteous.
s. The lady at the beach visit the cliff overlooking the sea.​


Answered by srushtikakde2006


ice hockey, game between two teams, each usually having six players, who wear skates and compete on an ice rink. The object is to propel a vulcanized rubber disk, the puck, past a goal line and into a net guarded by a goaltender, or goalie.

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