You have changed your residence. Write an E-mail to the Bank Manager of
Your town/village informing him of the change and requesting him io
Redirect your mail to your new address.
email from bhupender
Date: March 9, 2020
The Branch Manager,
Bank name
Xxxxxxxxxxx(Branch Name)
City (Name of City)
Dear Sir,
Subject:Request to Change Bank account details.
I am having a savings account with your bank's xxxxxx branch (Name of the Branch). I request you to change the communication address as well as mobile number and E-mail Id for the same.
The Account details are:
XYZ (Name of Account holder)
Account no. 12345xxxxxx
New Address: XYZ( Name)
Address line 1 ( Flat no./ House no., Lane/Street/Road),
Address Line 2 (Name of Colony, Area/ Landmark)
City Name (State/Province)
Country, Pin code /Zip code
Documents for identification proof are attached herewith for your ready reference.
I request to change the effects immediately and update your records. A line of confirmation in this regard would be highly appreciated.
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully,
Full name
Address for communication