Short Answer Questions:
1. What is a resource ?
2. What do you mean by natural resources ?
3. How can a gift of nature become a resource ?
4. What are biotic and abiotic resources. Give three examples of each.
5. Why is there a need for resource planning ?
1) • Everything available in our environment which can be used to satisfy our needs, is called a resource.
• It should be technologically accessible, economically feasible and culturally acceptable.
• Examples: minerals, forests, fossil fuels etc.
2) • Natural resources are the resources that are found in the environment and are developed without the intervention of humans.
•Common examples of natural resources include air, sunlight, water, soil, stone, plants, animals and fossil fuels.
3) • When anything is utilized and it satisfy our needs , it becomes a resource. So, if the gift of nature has these features then it becomes a resource.
4) • Biotic Resources: - The resources which are provided from the biosphere are called biotic resources.
• Examples: - Fish, Flora and fauna.
• Abiotic resources: - All the things which are non-living are called abiotic resources.
• Examples: Rocks , minerals and metals.
5) • Resource planning is essential for all life forms.
• It is essential to have resource planning because of the following reasons:
● It helps to identify the various resources present in different regions of the country.
● It helps in the conservation of various non-renewable/extinguishable resources.
● It helps in reducing wastage of resources.
Hope this helps you !