Science, asked by pushpaamarnath55, 11 months ago

E Short answer questions.
1 Why do we need food?
2 Name the major minerals present in our body. Also, discuss their role in one
3. Why should roughoge be present in our diet?
4 Why do children need a protein-rich diet?
5. What kind of diet does an adult person need?
6. How does a balanced diet helps in the growth and development of the mind?
7 Write any three harmful effects of junk food.
8. Why should we also include fermented food in our diet?
9. How is anaemia caused?
10. What are the symptoms of night blindness?​


Answered by neetarajput


1) Try to live without food for 1 month.Let see what happens


Answered by tarankaur102


1- we need food because it provide nutrients to our body . nutrients provide energy , growth of our body.

2- sodium , pottasium , calcium ,magnesium

these help in body development and function normally.

3-roughoge is help with digestive issues like constipation and play many important role in our body . for example roughoge of plants help in our manage our body weight.

4-because proteins build ,maintain repairs body is important for body growth.

5-eat fruits and vegetables ,breads , cereals.

7- harmful effects of junk food

.it can cause memory and learning problems

.it makes you impatient

.it can cause chemical changes that can lead to depression

8- because it increases the gut microbiome ,and digestive system and enhancing the immune system.

9-aneamia is caused by shortage of iron in our body.

10-. difficulty seeing

.trouble seeing when travel in night

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