E. Short answer type questions : (Answer in 10-15 words)
1. What is the function of large intestine?
2. What is the difference between milk teeth and permanent teeth?
3. What is saliva and where is it produced?
4. Define the term absorption?
5. What do you mean by villi?
1) The large intestine turns food waste into stool and passes it from the body when we excrete as stool.
2)Temporary teeth are basically the first set of teeth that erupts in the individual after birth, they are often called milk teeth. While permanent teeth are the second and last teeth set that erupts after falling of temporary teeth.
3)Saliva is the digestive juice secreted by the salivary glands in the mouth. Saliva contains the enzyme amylase or ptyalin, which helps in the breakdown of starch present in food into simple sugar.
4) Absorption is the movement of digested food molecules through the wall of the intestine into the blood or lymph .
5)Villi (singular villus) are finger-like outgrowths on the inner walls of the small intestine. The villi increase the surface area for absorption of the digested food. The surface of the villi absorbs the digested food materials.