e use of elements of the sarcophagus of tutankhamen
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It is decorated with semi- precious stones and colored glass. The eyes are made of quartz and obsidian. The color is encrusted with various kinds of semi-precious jewels and bordered with a lotus bud design. A gold vulture sits on each of his shoulders.
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Tutankhamen’s name meant “The living image of the sun god.” He
became the king in Egypt when he was just nine years old, and he ruled
from 1361 – 1352 BC, which was over 3,000 years ago. Modern-day people
have nicknamed him “King Tut.” King Tut was 18 years old when he died.
It was originally believed that he was killed but findings now show that he
may have died of gangrene (a type of often fatal infection) caused by a
broken leg.
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