e) will/repeated/can be/be fined/lawbreakers/the ban/violating /people/jailed /and
Question :---- will/repeated/can be/be fined/lawbreakers/the ban/violating /people/jailed /and ..
To rearrange a jumbled sentence into correct order:
→ For statements: subject + functioning verb + (preposition) object.
Statements are called affaffirmatives.
Ex :- Cats (subject) jump (verb) into (preposition) boxes (object).
→ For questions (interrogatives): Yes or no answer questions— verb + subject+ (preposition) object.
Do (verb) you (subject) jump into (preposition) box? (Object)
Who or how questions — who or how interrogative word + verb + subject +(preposition) object.
Why (interrogative word) do (verb) you (subject) jump into (preposition) box (object).
→ For orders, request & suggestions: verb+ (preposition) object. Jump (verb) into (preposition) box (object).
Answer :---
→ Violating people can be fined the ban and repeated lawbreakers will be jailed ..