English, asked by thor1500, 7 months ago

E. With each of these words, make a declarative sentence, an interrogative
sentence, an imperative sentence and an exclamatory sentence. One has
been done for you.
1. bag
Your bag is in the cupboard. (assertive)
Where is your bag? (interrogative)
Show me your bag. (imperative)
What a beautifully embroidered bag! (exclamatory)
2. chair
3. shirt
4. teacher 6. butter
5. film
6. sincere 9. neighbours 10. dinosaurs
7. mango​


Answered by SidhantVerma77


2. The chair is placed beside the table.

Where is the chair?

Sit on the chair.

3. He usually wears a brown shirt.

Where is my blue shirt?

Wear that red shirt.

4. The teacher is teaching.

Where is our teacher?

Teacher! please come here.

5. Baaghi 3 is an awesome film.

Have you seen the latest film?

Avoid watching films regularly.

6. I like bread with butter.

Where is the butter?

Put the butter in your bread.

7. Mango is our national fruit.

Do you like mangoes?

Eat that mango.

8. I always follows the rules sincerely.

Why are you not following the rule sincerely.

Follow the rules sincerely.

9. Our neighbours make huge noise.

Why don't you lodge a complaint against your noisy neighbours.

Lodge a complaint against your noisy neighbours.

10. The extinction of dinosaurs from this world was due to the explosion of a massive Asteroid in the Earth.

What is the reason behind the extinction of dinosaurs from this world.

Let's talk about dinosaurs.



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