Science, asked by tisharaveshiya, 1 month ago

eagle respires through lungs​


Answered by jejibi


Utilize a lung and air sac system (1)

Air Sac: air filled cavity in the lungs and bones (4)

Naris on both sides of beak allow air to into air sacs through the trachea (3)

Air comes in and leaves due to pressure gradient through a series of steps (2).

1.) Rib cage expands, expanding the posterior thoracic and anterior thoracic air sacs 2.) simultaneously air from trachea moves into posterior sac while air from lungs move into anterior sac

3.) rib cage contracts, reducing the volume of the posterior and anterior air sacs

4.) simultaneously air moves from posterior sac into lungs and from the anterior sac into the

trachea and out of the body

Air is cycled twice through the lungs (twice that of humans) to ensure lungs are always inflated (3)

Tubules in the lungs are connected to capillaries which bring re-oxygenated blood back to the heart (3)

Breath to heartbeat ratio is low due to the extraordinary efficiency of their respiratory system, ~1 breath/6-10 heartbeats (3)

Eagle's respiratory system also plays a role in thermoregulation (regulation of normal body temperature) (2)

Answered by Anonymous


Bald eagles breathe air through their external nares that are the two slits near the top of the beak. The air goes into the lungs where it is passed into the air sacs. Then the air moves back through the lungs and out the naris. Bald eagles do not need to drink water directly from a freshwater source......


GOOD EVENING.......✌️✨

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