English, asked by Nisha720, 2 months ago

Early rising leads to bealtl
se of the day. Anyone, who lies in bed
Ork Gil a late hour in the evening. He has to go
can have little rest in the course of the o
ud happiness. The man who rises fafe,
ate, Is compelled to work til a late hotur
without the evening exercise which is so necessary for the iealth. In
of an early riser. The reason for this is that the quiet hour oi the
spite of all his efforts, his
wark will not produce as od resulf as that
midnight. is not as ershing as that of the morning Several great
oil, Yet, it is true to that few men kave n grea and clear brain at a
Krs say tha they ean write best onlywhen they barn the miaiign
dgh when the body needs rest and sleep. Those, who werk attna
ine, Soo ruin their health. Bad heaith, in the long run. hes a Dau
effect on the quality oftheirwork.
fal iven au


Answered by subratrai9935


Gh er white colour of the same kind of a girl belive in Allah and his wife and I will be also fine with me and I will be also


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